Saturday, May 10, 2014

Why I LOVE Green Smoothies

I am going to share with you the easiest way to get your greens (and your children will love it, too!)

We all know we should eat more vegetables.  Didn't your mother tell you as a child to "Eat your Greens!" Do you find yourself repeating these same words to your own children, as they eat around the pile of broccoli on their plate?  Most moms that I know would love for their children to eat more vegetables.  And most would admit that they could stand to eat a few more of those dark, leafy greens themselves!

Why are greens an important part of a healthy diet?

-Rich source of vitamins-calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorous, zinc, and vitamins A, C, E, and K 
-High in fiber
-Purifies/ oxygenates blood, improves circulation
-Boosts immune function, strengthens the immune system
-Nourishes digestive system, promoting healthy intestinal flora
-Cancer prevention

What types of greens?

The most well-known greens for juicing and smoothies are spinach and kale.  But there a wide variety of greens available year round, and it's a good idea to rotate your greens.  Some of my favorites are Swiss chard, collard greens, romaine lettuce (yes, I put lettuce in my smoothies!), arugula and beet greens.  

The easiest way to get your greens!

I've discovered the easiest way to get my greens is first thing on the morning.  
I used to really struggle to find the time to get enough vegetables in my own and my kids' diets.  Most mornings, I'm lucky if I get my kids and myself dressed before heading out the door to school, let alone with a nutritious breakfast.  They may have eaten a couple of carrot sticks with lunch, and a couple bites of salad with their dinner.  Since I discovered green smoothies and started incorporating them into our morning routine, I feel like I can relax, knowing that we all get a good start to our day.

All you need is a blender (I love my Nutribullet for quick and easy smoothies, but any blender will do!)

I love this simple Green Smoothie Formula from : 


My Favorite Blue-Green Smoothie Recipe:

1 Cup Coconut/Almond Milk
1 Cup Filtered Water
1 Tablespoon CHIA SEEDS
1 Tablespoon Maca/Cacao Powder

What's YOUR favorite smoothie recipe?

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