Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Are You Thirsty??

The Earth's surface is made up of 71% water.  It is no coincidence that the human body is also roughly 70% water.  We are water people.  We NEED water to survive.  And we need to drink enough water to THRIVE.

Drinking plenty of clean, filtered water can relieve fatigue, promote weight loss, boost your immune system and flush out toxins.  Being hydrated gives you clearer skin, a clearer mind, and more energy.

How much water should I drink?

  This is a common question.  Some people stick to the eight glasses of water a day rule.  Others suggest to take your body weight in pounds and divide it in half, and drink that many ounces. (ex: If you weigh 140 lbs, divided in half is 70.  Drink 70 ounces of water a day)  
But the best way to know, is to listen to your body.  Do you have a headache?  Drink more water.  Do you feel fatigued?  Drink more water.  Do you feel hungry?  First, drink some water.  Do you feel grumpy?  Well, you get my point here!

When should I drink water?

Start out your day with a full glass of water.  Add some fresh squeezed lemon to stimulate your digestive system.  This is a great way to start the day!

Drink water early and throughout the day. 

Drink water before every meal (especially if you are trying to lose weight.)    

Try to avoid drinking too much water before bed (to avoid interrupting your sleep to get up and use the bathroom.)

How do you take your water?

I like mine straight up, hold the ice.  But if you like a little more flavor, try adding lemon, mint, sliced cucumber, or a couple of berries for flavor.  Try drinking herbal tea.

Replace your sodas and caffeinated beverages with water.  Start by drinking a full glass of water and wait 20 minutes. Then decide if you really need that afternoon cup of coffee or diet soda.

Eat more fruits and vegetables, as they have a high water content. Steaming and boiling your vegetables increases their water content.

Drink from a glass or reusable stainless steel container.  Avoid the added toxins of plastic bottles, and save the Earth at the same time! 

Thirsty for more?

If you would like more personalized health tips, or support on your own Wellness Journey, Check out my website!

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