Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Fresh Spring Salad

Fresh Spring Salad

Asparagus, Strawberries and Spinach, Oh my!

Have I mentioned how much I love this time of year?  I am reveling in the abundance of fresh asparagus, kale, lettuce, spinach and strawberries.  

Today I stopped by a local produce stand and picked up a bunch of asparagus, a bag of spinach, a beautiful head of lettuce and some of the sweetest fresh-picked strawberries I've ever had.  When I got home it was lunch time.  I didn't even have to think twice about what to make.  

This is my favorite kind of salad.  It always starts with a fresh bed of lettuce, or whatever greens I have on hand.  Next comes the "meat" of the salad. Sometimes my "meat" is leftover beans or quinoa from the night before, sometimes it's whatever vegetables I have fresh.  Today it was asparagus.  

I sauteed my asparagus in coconut oil and sprinkled it with Himalayan salt.  Next, I sliced my fresh strawberries for sweetness and color, and topped the salad off with sliced almonds and a squeeze of fresh lemon.  Voila.  So simple.  So satisfying.

              Asparagus Strawberry Spring Salad


a handful of lettuce
a handful of spinach
one bunch of asparagus
1 Tablespoon coconut oil
Himalayan salt or sea salt to taste
a handful of strawberries
a handful of sliced almonds
Juice from 1/2 lemon
Optional: crumbled goat cheese

Hungry for more recipes?
Check out my website: www.kimdiazwellness.com

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

A Feast for the Soul

A Feast for the SOUL

This past weekend I went on a much needed adventure.  I left my children with their grandparents and drove from my quiet, small Virginia town, North to New York City.  I attended an amazing, inspiring conference at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, where I found myself among 1,200 like-minded souls, listening to the country's top teachers/leaders of Nutrition and Wellness.  I stayed in a hotel room in the 62nd floor overlooking Manhattan and the entire city.  I ate good food, wore nice clothes, had amazing conversations with beautiful people.  I was also able to visit with family on either end of the trip.  It was like a feast for my soul.

I came back home full of energy and bubbling with motivation, not to mention more relaxed, patient and appreciative of my beautiful children.  I was only gone Friday through Monday, but it was the longest I'd ever been away from them.  In the eight years that I have been a Mom, I have NEVER taken an entire weekend for myself!

 Most women I know (Moms in particular) are great at taking care of their jobs, their pets, their husbands or boyfriends, their children, their homes, etc.  Why is it that the last person on the list is often OURSELVES?  We have all heard that "in order to fully love another person, you must fully love yourself."  We all know that when we do manage a few hours or even a few moments for ourselves, we are always refreshed and renewed and better able to take care of those around us.  But why don't we make it a priority?  Why does self-care often get misinterpreted as self-indulgence?  Why don't we do it DAILY?

When my children were small, I rarely asked for help.  When I had to leave them, even for a doctor's appointment, I would feel guilty.  It seemed ridiculously overindulgent for me to take time for myself.  Thank goodness my mother would convince me to go to the gym or go shopping while she watched the kids.  Over the past few years I've learned the importance of taking advantage of the time I do have.  And making the time to feed my soul gives me the energy to meet the needs of my children.

Not enough time in the day!  I have too much to do!  Got to drive the kids to school, get to work, work all day, go to a meeting, sit in traffic, make dinner, do dishes, make sure the kids get their homework done, have their bath, get a story read, feed the dog, clean the car, etc,etc.  We have so many good excuses of why we can't carve out time for ourselves.  We get stressed, we get exhausted, we get angry or anxious, and eventually, we get Burnt Out!  What many people don't realize is this 'burn out', this constant state of stress, can lead to weight gain, sleep disorders, digestive problems, Adrenal Fatigue, and autoimmune diseases.

It's often not possible to take a whole entire weekend for ourselves.  It may not even be possible to take a whole day for ourselves on a regular basis (though if you can, it is highly recommended!)  Our daily to-do lists will not get any shorter, but they will certainly feel a lot less hectic if we make self-care a DAILY priority.

FIVE easy ways to take better care of YOU....

1. RELAXATION- You may not "have time" for an hour-long yoga class, or maybe you are not ready to meditate for twenty minutes a day, but YOU CAN start by taking five minutes to sit quietly with your eyes closed and focus on your breathing.  (Hint: With sunglasses on, this can be done almost anywhere!)

2. EXERCISE- You may not be able to get to the gym for an hour-long aerobics class every day, but you can take a brisk 20 minute walk outside anytime.  (On your lunch break, perhaps?)

3. EAT A HEALTHY DIET- We all know that we should cut out the bad and add in the good.  Eat less processed foods, sugar, caffeine and alcohol.  Take the time to make a home-cooked meal.

4. GET PLENTY OF SLEEP- Make a routine for yourself at bedtime.  (We do this for our children, why don't we do this for ourselves?)  Instead of watching tv or surfing the web right before bed, turn off the screen and read a book, write in a journal, or take a bubble bath.  

5. GET ORGANIZED- While the act of cleaning and organizing doesn't sound much like self-care, the end result will make your life much easier and much more relaxed.  Take it one room at a time.

Are YOU ready to learn more about Self-Care and how taking better care of yourself can improve your Health and Happiness?  Check out my Website: www.kimdiazwellness.com

If you would like to learn more about the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, Check out www.integrativenutrition.com

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Are You Thirsty??

The Earth's surface is made up of 71% water.  It is no coincidence that the human body is also roughly 70% water.  We are water people.  We NEED water to survive.  And we need to drink enough water to THRIVE.

Drinking plenty of clean, filtered water can relieve fatigue, promote weight loss, boost your immune system and flush out toxins.  Being hydrated gives you clearer skin, a clearer mind, and more energy.

How much water should I drink?

  This is a common question.  Some people stick to the eight glasses of water a day rule.  Others suggest to take your body weight in pounds and divide it in half, and drink that many ounces. (ex: If you weigh 140 lbs, divided in half is 70.  Drink 70 ounces of water a day)  
But the best way to know, is to listen to your body.  Do you have a headache?  Drink more water.  Do you feel fatigued?  Drink more water.  Do you feel hungry?  First, drink some water.  Do you feel grumpy?  Well, you get my point here!

When should I drink water?

Start out your day with a full glass of water.  Add some fresh squeezed lemon to stimulate your digestive system.  This is a great way to start the day!

Drink water early and throughout the day. 

Drink water before every meal (especially if you are trying to lose weight.)    

Try to avoid drinking too much water before bed (to avoid interrupting your sleep to get up and use the bathroom.)

How do you take your water?

I like mine straight up, hold the ice.  But if you like a little more flavor, try adding lemon, mint, sliced cucumber, or a couple of berries for flavor.  Try drinking herbal tea.

Replace your sodas and caffeinated beverages with water.  Start by drinking a full glass of water and wait 20 minutes. Then decide if you really need that afternoon cup of coffee or diet soda.

Eat more fruits and vegetables, as they have a high water content. Steaming and boiling your vegetables increases their water content.

Drink from a glass or reusable stainless steel container.  Avoid the added toxins of plastic bottles, and save the Earth at the same time! 

Thirsty for more?

If you would like more personalized health tips, or support on your own Wellness Journey, Check out my website!    www.kimdiazwellness.com

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Why I LOVE Green Smoothies

I am going to share with you the easiest way to get your greens (and your children will love it, too!)

We all know we should eat more vegetables.  Didn't your mother tell you as a child to "Eat your Greens!" Do you find yourself repeating these same words to your own children, as they eat around the pile of broccoli on their plate?  Most moms that I know would love for their children to eat more vegetables.  And most would admit that they could stand to eat a few more of those dark, leafy greens themselves!

Why are greens an important part of a healthy diet?

-Rich source of vitamins-calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorous, zinc, and vitamins A, C, E, and K 
-High in fiber
-Purifies/ oxygenates blood, improves circulation
-Boosts immune function, strengthens the immune system
-Nourishes digestive system, promoting healthy intestinal flora
-Cancer prevention

What types of greens?

The most well-known greens for juicing and smoothies are spinach and kale.  But there a wide variety of greens available year round, and it's a good idea to rotate your greens.  Some of my favorites are Swiss chard, collard greens, romaine lettuce (yes, I put lettuce in my smoothies!), arugula and beet greens.  

The easiest way to get your greens!

I've discovered the easiest way to get my greens is first thing on the morning.  
I used to really struggle to find the time to get enough vegetables in my own and my kids' diets.  Most mornings, I'm lucky if I get my kids and myself dressed before heading out the door to school, let alone with a nutritious breakfast.  They may have eaten a couple of carrot sticks with lunch, and a couple bites of salad with their dinner.  Since I discovered green smoothies and started incorporating them into our morning routine, I feel like I can relax, knowing that we all get a good start to our day.

All you need is a blender (I love my Nutribullet for quick and easy smoothies, but any blender will do!)

I love this simple Green Smoothie Formula from www.alifebalanced.com : 


My Favorite Blue-Green Smoothie Recipe:

1 Cup Coconut/Almond Milk
1 Cup Filtered Water
1 Tablespoon CHIA SEEDS
1 Tablespoon Maca/Cacao Powder

What's YOUR favorite smoothie recipe?

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The Sweet Taste of Spring

                                                 The Sweet Taste of Spring

            by Kim Diaz
     I’m a summer girl at heart.  I love the freedom and spontaneity of road trips and camping with the kids, long days spent on the beach, toes in the sand and little clothing.  I love the heat and the watersports.  Summer is really my season.  For years, I lived the Endless Summer lifestyle, spending my winters sea kayaking the coasts of Baja California, Mexico and scuba diving the islands of the Caribbean.  And then I had kids.  And I felt the need to live closer to my parents.  So we moved our little family from the island of Utila, off the Coast of Honduras, to a small town on the Chesapeake Bay in Virginia.

     My children were both Spring babies.  My daughter, Oceana’s birthday is in mid April, just when the buds on the trees are bursting, and the daffodils and wild violets bring color and promise of the warmer days to come.  My son, River’s birthday is at the end of May, when all is green and alive, and the days are longer, and summer is just about to settle in.  Spring is a time of new life.

     My children were little when we got our first baby animals.  That first Spring in our own house, we got a couple of baby guinea pigs.  The second year, we got baby chicks.  We raised them in a cage in the kitchen from day old fluff balls, until they were old enough to move outside to the coop my husband built in the back yard.  Chickens make great pets.  They all have names and personalities.  They don’t mind being picked up and carried around the yard by my kids, and they lay beautiful eggs for us daily.   Every year in spring we get a few new baby chicks to add to our small backyard flock.  Spring is the season of nurturing.

     Every spring since we moved to Virginia, we plant an organic vegetable garden.  Prepping the soil, sowing the seeds, nurturing them tenderly until the warm sun coaxes them grow and flourish and provide us with food.  Right now we have lettuces, swiss chard, spinach, and kale, still small, but we harvest their young leaves for salads and smoothies.  We also have the return of strawberries and raspberries, a peach tree and a pear tree.  Every year in early spring, we wait for the flower buds that promise the return of fruit. 

     This time of year also kicks off the start of our local Farmers Markets.  Every Saturday we go in search of local, fresh vegetables and fruits that look and taste so much richer and more natural than the grocery store varieties we’ve been consuming all winter.  We fill our shopping bags with jars of local honey and fresh herbs and whatever vegetables are in season, but not growing in our own garden, like asparagus or greenhouse grown greens.

     Spring is the season of eating fresh!  I try to incorporate greens into every meal!  Green smoothie for breakfast, spinach salad for lunch.  And enjoy them while they last!  For once the heat of summer kicks in, they won’t grow as prolifically as they do now.  But by then we’ll be up to our elbows in summer squash, cucumbers, and corn and watermelon on the beach. 

     Funny, I’ve always thought of myself as a summer girl, but I’d say Spring comes in at a close second.  Enjoy this Spring season of life!  Get outside and breathe.  Be inspired!  Plant a garden!  Try a new recipe.  Get some chicks!  Eat fresh, seasonal and local.  Nurture yourself.  Start something new.  Now is the time!