Sunday, July 20, 2014

What to do with all these Berries!?

What to do with all these Berries!?

One of my favorite summer past-times with my kids is picking berries at our local berry farms.  I never tire of the excitement and wonder in their eyes as they wander from row to row of berry bushes, in search of the biggest and best berry they can find.  "Ooooh!  Look Mommy!  Look at this BIG one!"  I figure one berry goes in the mouth for every two or three in the bucket.

Berries are full of antioxidents and vitamins and are considered a super-food for all the health benefits they offer.

After an hour or so of picking, the kids are usually pretty hot and tired, and so we hike back to the cashier to pay for our treasure.  And I usually walk away with about ten pounds of berries...or more.

This past weekend, we went to Westmoreland Berry Farm, and hit the jackpot with blueberries, blackberries, red and black raspberries in season.  We picked all of the above and left with two buckets full.

It used to be that when I got home from one of these berry picking expeditions, I would scramble to start baking a pie and making jam, to use up all of the berries before they went bad.

Until.. I discovered the simplicity of freezing these little jewels for future use.  Here is the best way I have found to freeze berries:

1.  Wash your berries.  Drain all water in a colander.
2.  Line a cookie sheet with wax paper.
3.  Spread berries in one single layer on the cookie sheet.  It's best if the berries are well spread out and not touching.
4.  Place the cookie sheet in the freezer.
5.  Allow the berries to freeze- about an hour.
6.  Remove the cookie sheet from the freezer and put the frozen berries into a Freezer Bag.  Seal and store in freezer.

By freezing your berries this way, they will not stick together.  They maintain their shape and texture.  They are all ready for your morning smoothie, or pancakes or oatmeal.  My kids even like to snack on them straight from the freezer for a frozen treat.

For more nutrition tips and recipes, check out my website: 

Friday, July 11, 2014

Sugar Blues Workshop


Do you crave sweets and it's getting the best of you? Do you have low energy in the middle of the day? If so, this workshop will be a turning point in your life.

On July 16th at 5:30pm, Kim Diaz, certified Health Coach, will be teaching a class called "Sugar Blues" at the Northern Neck YMCA in Kilmarnock.

This class was designed to permanently change your relationship with sugar. You will leave this class understanding the causes of your sugar cravings and you'll receive practical tools for dealing with them.

It's not about deprivation. It's about freedom - the freedom to eat foods you love and have sweetness in your life without the side effects or the guilt.

You don't want to miss out! Call the YMCA today to register for the Sugar Blues Workshop. Preregistration is required by July 11. This workshop is free. Contact the YMCA to register.
(804) 435-0223

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Health Coaching at YMCA

Here is a recent announcement post from the Northern Neck YMCA where I am now on staff as a Health Coach! 

Please help us welcome our new Health Coach, Kim Diaz. Kim is a Certified Health Coach with Integrated Nutrition. After the birth of her second child, she was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, and discovered the power of healing the body naturally, with proper nutrition. She attended the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, where she was trained in over 100 dietary theories, holistic nutrition, practical lifestyle management techniques, and preventative health. Drawing on these skills, she works with one-on-one with clients to help them make lifestyle changes that produce real and lasting results for improved health and happiness.

If you are interested in improving your eating habits for optimal health, increasing energy, learning more about incorporating whole foods into your lifestyle and feeling better in your body, set up a free one-hour health consultation to discuss your unique situation and determine how Kim can help you reach your personal health and wellness goals. Call the YMCA today to request your free 1-hour consultation with our health coach. Could one conversation change your life?