Thursday, June 5, 2014

All Hail Kale- The Queen of Greens!

         All Hail Kale- The Queen of Greens!

Have you tried KALE yet?  Yes, you know, that dark green, curly-leafed garnish from the salad bar?

Some of the best advice I got a few years ago when I was really struggling with my Immunity was to EAT MORE LEAFY GREENS!  It took me awhile to get the hang of it- Honestly greens were NOT my most favorite food!  But I've come to appreciate them and find that I now CRAVE my greens when I don't get enough!   

Now that I'm working as a Health Coach, one of the first things I teach my coaching clients is the importance of adding more green vegetables, especially leafy greens, to their diet.

Here's a few reasons why KALE has gone from garnish to side dish to main dish in my house:

1.  HIGH in OMEGA-3 and OMEGA-6 FATTY ACIDS-  This means Kale can reduce inflammation.  Chronic Inflammation in the body can lead to Auto-immune diseases like Type-1 Diabetes and Rheumatoid Arthritis, and other serious diseases like Heart Disease and Cancer.

2.  HIGH in FIBER- Aiding in digestion and elimination.  Adding more roughage to your diet can help maintain bowel regularity and help you lose weight.

3.  HIGH in IRON- Did you know that per calorie, kale has more iron than beef?!    

4.  HIGH in CALCIUM- You don't have to be a milk drinker to get your calcium!  Dark leafy cruciferous vegetables have high amounts of calcium to help keep us strong, and are more easily absorbed by our bodies than dairy products..

5. IMMUNE SUPPORT- Kale is rich in Vitamin B6, Magnesium, Folate, Vitamin C, Vitamin A and Vitamin K

6.  SUSTAINABILITY- Kale is super easy to grow in your garden, is inexpensive and helps to reduce carbon footprints!

If you have not yet made kale a staple in your home, I'm here to tell you that Now is the time! 

A Few Of My Favorite Ways to Enjoy KALE:

-In Green Smoothies-  Simply add a handful of these lovely greens to your fruit smoothie

-Make KALE CHIPS- Drizzle kale leaves with olive oil, sprinkle with sea salt and bake on a cookie sheet at 350 degrees for 10 to 15 minutes.   

-Dice It Up and Add it to Soups and Sauces- The kids won't even know it's in there :) 

-RAW KALE SALAD with Tahini Dressing -This is my new FAVORITE!  I brought this recently to a bbq and it was a big hit!
(This Recipe is adapted from a recipe found on 

1 bunch Kale
2 Tbsp Tahini
1 Tbsp Lemon Juice
1/2 tsp Curry Powder
1 Clove of Garlic
1 tsp Grated Ginger
1/8 tsp Sea Salt
1/2 cup of Water
pinch of Cayenne
3 Medjool Dates
1/4 cup Sliced Almonds

Place the 3 dates in water to soak for 10 minutes.  Remove Kale leaves from stems and place leaves in a large bowl.  In a blender combine all remaining ingredients, including the softened dates, to make the dressing.  Pour the dressing over the kale and massage it into the leaves.  Sprinkle with slices almonds.  

For MORE RECIPES or to learn more about HEALTH COACHING, please visit my website:

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