Wednesday, July 20, 2016

GLUTEN Sensitivity? How do you KNOW?

Have you ever wondered if you might have a GLUTEN SENSITIVITY?  Do you feel bloated after eating pizza?  Exhausted after your morning bagel?

Do you suffer from Migraines? Anxiety? Joint Pain? Acne? Eczema? Depression? Fatigue?  Or ANY AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE (Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Hashimotos Thyroiditis, Sjogrens Syndrome, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriasis) ?

What if you could simply give up GLUTEN and feel better?  Would you do it?

GLUTEN is a protein that is found in wheat, barley and rye. And it's in almost everything!  Cakes, cookies, bread, pasta, even some salad dressings, soups, and many packaged products.

I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease about 8 and a half years ago and I've been gluten free ever since.  Celiac is an Autoimmune Disease in which the immune mistakes gluten for the tissue in the small intestine, and so it attacks not only the gluten but also the small intestine, until the person is no longer able to absorb nutrients.  Someone with Celiac HAS to give up gluten, in order to stop the immune system from attacking itself.

But what about the rest of the population that DOES NOT HAVE CELIAC DISEASE?  Is gluten ok for them to eat?

I'll admit that the "Gluten Free Diet" has certainly got a lot of people up in arms and many people cut out gluten for the wrong reasons.  But the truth is that NON-CELIAC GLUTEN SENSITIVITY is a REAL thing!  And it's more common than you might think!  It's estimated that about 1 in 30 people have this type of gluten sensitivity!

So, what does that mean for you?  

If you are dealing with any of these symptoms: Migraines, Joint Pain, Acne, Eczema, Depression, or Fatigue, you may be surprised that the food you are eating may be contributing toward the inflammation causing these symptoms.  And the number one food sensitivity?  You got it- GLUTEN!  (Dairy comes in at second place)

If your body is sensitive to a food, each time you eat it, it causes inflammation.  You may or may not feel the symptoms of this inflammation.

If you are suffering from an Autoimmune Disease, you are already dealing with a lot of Inflammation.  Eating gluten causes more inflammation and adds more fuel onto your Inflammatory Fire.

So, should every one go gluten free?  Many experts say yes. But a healthy person with a robust immune system should be able to handle small amounts of gluten on occasion.  The problem is, if you are eating processed foods, as mentioned above, you are eating a lot more gluten than you may realize.

And what about all of the gluten-free goodies you can get at the store now?  Well, yes, they do make it easier to get by gluten free now than 8 years ago when I first went gluten free.  The problem is that many of the gluten free substitutions are loaded with more sugar and higher glycemic grains.  So, you really have to limit processed foods all together,

If you are thinking about going gluten free, or would like to get closer to the culprit of what's causing your inflammatory symptoms, one of the best ways to do so is by following an Elimination Diet.

An Elimination Diet eliminates certain foods for a certain period of time.  If your symptoms dissipate during this time, that you KNOW that food is the culprit!  After a period of elimination, we then reintroduce the foods, one by one, so as to help you pinpoint which foods are causing the inflammatory symptoms.

What if instead of taking a medication for pain, you could simply change your diet?  Bye bye side effects of that medication!  What if you could have your energy back?  What if you could lose the brain fog, drop a few pounds and lose the belly bloat? What if you could wake up in the morning and feel AMAZING?

If you are ready to to take charge of your health and get to the root cause of your symptoms, I'm here to support you!

Join me for my Summer Clean Eating RESET Cleanse, a 15 day program, based on the Elimination Diet.  Eliminate Gluten and other highly inflammatory and allergenic foods, with the support of an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach/ Certified Gluten Practitioner.  You will flush toxins, lose weight, restore your body and FEEL great!


Want support, but not up for the group program?  I also offer one on one Health Coaching.  Set up an Initial Consultation over the phone, via Skype, or in person at the Northern Neck Family YMCA, or my new office at 25 Office Park Drive in Kilmarnock.

To your Ultimate Health and Happiness,
Health Coach Kim Diaz

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