Saturday, June 20, 2015

9 Smoothie Recipes That Will Change Your Life!

9 Smoothie Recipes That Will Change Your Life

With Health Coach Kim Diaz

Are you looking to improve your health this summer?

To lose weight, boost immunity, improve digestion?

Here's the deal, you don't need any magic pill, powder or diet to do it....  You need to eat REAL FOOD.  It sounds pretty simple, but to some people "eat real food" also sounds intimidating, like hard work, lots of prep, hours in the kitchen....  I'm here to tell you, that is not the case!  It does not have to be difficult!  One of the easiest ways I like to get my nutrients and is in the form of smoothies.

If you haven't tried a smoothie yet, you've GOT to check this out:  My free EBook: 9 Smoothies that Will Change your Life.  Click on the link and get blending and get healthy!

HI There! I’m Kim Diaz, Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, mother of two, nature-lover and believer in the power of whole foods! I work with people like you who are ready to take control of their health, lose weight, gain energy and live their most vibrant life!

Are you ready to get off the diet roller coaster and find out what really fuels your unique body?

Join me for my 14 Day Sensational Summer Cleanse Program. This is a whole foods cleanse, with over 50 real food recipes, designed to boost your energy and your immunity, lose the bloat and those stubborn extra pounds, and discover hidden food sensitivities, all with the support of a holistic health coach (that’s me!) behind you 100% of the way! For more info on this program CLICK HERE
Want support on your Journey to Vibrant Health?

I can help you reach your health and wellness goals! Sign up for a FREE one hour long Initial Consultation, either over the phone or in person, to get started on your journey to vibrant health. I will design a program unique to your lifestyle, your needs, your goals and your challenges. CLICK HERE to learn more about Health Coaching and to set up an appointment with me.