Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Go Beyond the Salad this Fall..

Happy Fall!

Fall is all about getting back into a routine.  Lazy summer days are gone, it's back to school and schedules and hopefully getting healthy!

When you think about healthy or "clean eating", salads and green vegetables usually come to mind. But how about adding a little more variety to your plan?

Roots like carrots, sweet potatoes, and turnips, are a rich source of nutritious complex carbohydrates. Instead of upsetting blood sugar levels like refined sweet foods do, they help regulate them.

Why Eat More Root Veggies?

Long roots – carrots, parsnips, burdock, and daikon radish – are excellent blood purifiers and can help improve circulation in the body. Round roots – turnips, radishes, beets, and rutabagas – nourish the stomach, spleen, pancreas, and reproductive organs.

Which root vegetables do you eat most?
If you’re like most of the world, it’s carrots and potatoes. Here are a few others to explore:

  • Beets contain an abundance of antioxidants and are highly detoxifying.
  • Burdock is considered a powerful blood purifier. This long, thin veggie is a staple in Asian and health food stores.
  • Celeriac, also known as celery root, is rich in fiber and with a respectable amount of antioxidants.
  • Jicama is crunchy and refreshing and contains a generous amount of vitamin C. It’s a favorite in its native Mexico and South America.
  • Onions are rich in antioxidants and other phytonutrients, making them prized for their ability to strengthen the immune system.
  • Parsnips, which look like giant white carrots, boast a sweet, earthy taste. They’ve also got plenty of fiber, vitamin C, folic acid, niacin, thiamine, magnesium, and potassium.
  • Radish is an excellent source of vitamin C. It’s also rich in calcium, molybdenum, and folic acid.
  • Sweet Potatoes contain unsurpassed levels of beta-carotene and are also rich in vitamin C, phytonutrients, and fiber.
Excited to add more roots to your diet? Here’s a fun, easy, nourishing recipe:

Roasted Root Vegetables

Prep time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 25-35 minutes
Serves 4 to 6

1 sweet potato
2 parsnips
2 carrots
2 turnips or 1 large rutabaga
1 daikon radish (or substitute/add in other favorites, like squash)
1 red onion
extra virgin olive oil
sea salt and pepper
herbs: rosemary, thyme or sage (fresh if possible)

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Wash and dice all vegetables into bite-sized cubes.
Place in a large baking dish with sides.
Drizzle with olive oil; mix well to coat each vegetable lightly with oil.
Sprinkle with sea salt, pepper and herbs.
Bake uncovered for 25-35 minutes until vegetables are tender and golden brown, checking every 10 minutes to stir and make sure veggies are not sticking.

Tip: Any combination of vegetables will work. Roasting only one kind of vegetable also makes a nice side dish.


Are you curious about how to choose root vegetables and other nutritious foods?  Would you like to learn which foods are best for your unique body?  Would you like help being as healthy as you can? Let’s talk! Schedule a free initial complimentary consultation with me today, over the phone, or in person—or pass this offer on to someone you care about!


OCTOBER 26th at 5:30 ~
Kick off class for Fall Nourish and Cleanse Program at Northern Neck Family YMCA.  Or ONLINE.

Learn more about the Cleanse Program here

Wednesday, October 7th, 6:00-7:00~
Boost Your Immunity with Essential Oils!  Free Class at White Stone Church of the Nazarene!

Join us to learn how essential oils can:

-Boost you and your child or grandchild's immune systems
-Improve focus and concentration
-Reduce anxiety
-Support healthy sleep
-Assist with seasonal allergies
-Enhance mood support
-Assist in first aid and pain relief

And much more!!!

We will discuss how to use these oils effectively for classrooms and at home to prepare for the cold and flu season.

This class is FREE however I will bring supplies to make an On Guard hand sanitizer/throat spray and all purpose household cleaner for $5 if you wish.

Bring your friends, this will be a fun class!

Please RSVP to Kim Diaz or Scotty Roop


Learn more: www.mydoterra.com/kimdiaz
I am a Certified Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, and a Certified Gluten Practitioner through Dr Tom O'Bryan. Drawing on my knowledge, training and experience, I will help you create a completely personalized “roadmap to health” that suits your unique body, lifestyle, preferences, and goals.
Learn more about my training and my unique approach to health coaching.


Saturday, June 20, 2015

9 Smoothie Recipes That Will Change Your Life!

9 Smoothie Recipes That Will Change Your Life

With Health Coach Kim Diaz

Are you looking to improve your health this summer?

To lose weight, boost immunity, improve digestion?

Here's the deal, you don't need any magic pill, powder or diet to do it....  You need to eat REAL FOOD.  It sounds pretty simple, but to some people "eat real food" also sounds intimidating, like hard work, lots of prep, hours in the kitchen....  I'm here to tell you, that is not the case!  It does not have to be difficult!  One of the easiest ways I like to get my nutrients and is in the form of smoothies.

If you haven't tried a smoothie yet, you've GOT to check this out:  My free EBook: 9 Smoothies that Will Change your Life.  Click on the link and get blending and get healthy!


HI There! I’m Kim Diaz, Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, mother of two, nature-lover and believer in the power of whole foods! I work with people like you who are ready to take control of their health, lose weight, gain energy and live their most vibrant life!

Are you ready to get off the diet roller coaster and find out what really fuels your unique body?

Join me for my 14 Day Sensational Summer Cleanse Program. This is a whole foods cleanse, with over 50 real food recipes, designed to boost your energy and your immunity, lose the bloat and those stubborn extra pounds, and discover hidden food sensitivities, all with the support of a holistic health coach (that’s me!) behind you 100% of the way! For more info on this program CLICK HERE
Want support on your Journey to Vibrant Health?

I can help you reach your health and wellness goals! Sign up for a FREE one hour long Initial Consultation, either over the phone or in person, to get started on your journey to vibrant health. I will design a program unique to your lifestyle, your needs, your goals and your challenges. CLICK HERE to learn more about Health Coaching and to set up an appointment with me.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Allergies, Sneezing and Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint Essential Oil- Sneezing, Itchy eyes, Allergies....Good-bye!
By Health Coach Kim Diaz

Something is blooming out there that got me this morning. Itching eyes when I came back in from walking the dog. I grabbed my doTERRA peppermint essential oil and rubbed a couple of drops on my neck and throat. Itchy eyes gone- check. When my daughter, Oceana woke up, she started one of her sneezing fits. I grabbed the peppermint, mixed it with lemon and lavender and rubbed on her neck and throat. No more sneezing. We are ready to face the day- allergy free!

The peppermint plant is actually a hybrid of watermint and spearmint and was first discovered by Carl Linneaus in 1753. A high menthol content—like that found in the doTERRA Peppermint essential oil—distinguishes the best quality Peppermint from other products. Frequently used in toothpaste and chewing gum for oral health, Peppermint also helps to alleviate stomach upset and promotes healthy respiratory function. Peppermint continues to be one of the best-selling favorites among doTERRA essential oils.
Application:Peppermint Oil
Aromatic, Topical, Internal
Extraction Method:
Steam distillation
Aromatic Description:
Minty, hot, herbaceous
Main Chemical Components:
Plant Part:
Whole plant
• Promotes healthy respiratory function and clear breathing
• Alleviates stomach upset
• Frequently used in toothpaste and chewing gum for oral health
Use a drop of Peppermint with Lemon in water for a healthy, refreshing mouth rinse.
Rub on the stomach or take internally for occasional digestive discomfort.
Add a drop of Peppermint to your chocolate Trim Shake for a yummy twist.
Rather than grabbing an unhealthy snack mid afternoon, re-energize by applying Peppermint to the palms of hands and deeply inhaling.
Diffusion: Use three to four drops in the diffuser of your choice.
Internal use: Dilute one drop in 4 fl. oz. of liquid.
Topical use: Apply one to two drops to desired area. Dilute with dōTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil to minimize any skin sensitivity. See additional precautions below.
Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas.
Mentha piperita 15 mL
Part Number: 30190001
Wholesale: $20.50
Retail: $27.33
PV: 20.50

*These statements have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. dōTERRA products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. Pregnant or lactating women and persons with known medical conditions should consult a physician prior to the use of any dōTERRA product.
- See more at: http://doterrablog.com/essential-oil-spotlight-peppermint/#sthash.Pqtn8xAY.dpuf

Would you like to learn more about doTERRA essential oils and how they can help you live happier and healthier?  Check out: www.mydoterra.com/kimdiaz

Want more recipes, nutrition information, and healthy inspiration?  Check out my website:

Follow me on Facebook:

Hi!  My name is Kim Diaz.  I am a mother of two, a green smoothie addict, nature-lover and adventurer.  I'm also an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach.  I work with men and women of all ages and stages, who are ready for a healthy change.  I can help you figure out which foods to eat to naturally fuel your body, to help you lose weight, gain energy and feel amazing again!  I understand what it's like to feel confusion on what to eat, what to feed your family, and how to overcome your digestive                       and autoimmune conditions.  I can help you reach your goals           of living a life of vibrant health!  Your journey starts here...                                                            www.kimdiazwellness.com 

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Why are smoothies important for breakfast?

Why are smoothies important for breakfast?

By Health Coach Kim Diaz

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and sometimes it just doesn't fit into our schedule the way it should. How we begin the day will determine how the rest of the day goes. It will determine if we feel energized or if we feel dragging with a lack of energy. What we put in our bellies is directly related to how we physically feel. So if you are a skip breakfast and grab the coffee mug morning person then this blog is totally for you.

We all need and crave energy. I know I do! Sometimes it is so easy to want to grab a quick bowl of cereal or even forget breakfast and just get through the morning on 1-2 cups of coffee for the energy needed to survive the day. I don't want you to just survive through the day though; I want you to thrive through the day. I also don't want you to go on the "crash and crave" roller coaster for the entire day. If you begin your morning with caffeinated coffee and sugar, you will crash, and you will be either too tired to make it through your responsibilities or you will be reaching for another cup of coffee to get through a few more hours.

Smoothies are another quick alternative to a fast breakfast that can help energize us throughout the entire day. When you toss in some greens, a little fruit, and a healthy liquid like coconut water you are bound to feel energetic and ready to take on the day. Starting the day with a smoothie also gives you well needed antioxidants which help protect our bodies from free radicals, and it is a great low glycemic start. Eating a low glycemic breakfast will help curb your sugar cravings for the entire day and it will also help with not crashing.

Next time you want a quick breakfast, try a delicious smoothie that will leave you feeling energized and motivated. A morning smoothie will provide your body with the nutrients it needs to produce natural energy and naturally boost your metabolism. So, what are you reaching for tomorrow morning? I know I will be pulling out my blender and getting ready for some long lasting energy.

Here's a recipe for a simple, healthy breakfast smoothie to get you started.  Let me know what you think!

Berry Beauty Smoothie

11/2 cups dairy free milk or coconut water
1/2 cup romaine lettuce
1/2 cup kale
1/2 cup berries
1/2 avocado

Combine all ingredients in blender and blend.
*For a sweeter smoothie add 1/2 banana or a dollop of raw honey

Hungry for more healthy recipes, nutrition information and inspiration?  
Check out my website: www.kimdiazwellness.com

Hi!  My name is Kim Diaz.  I am a mother of two, a green smoothie addict, nature-lover and adventurer.  I'm also an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach.  I work with people who are ready for a healthy change.  I help busy moms figure out which foods to eat to naturally fuel their bodies, to help them lose weight, gain energy and feel amazing again!  I understand what it's like to feel confusion on what to eat, what to feed your family, and how to overcome your digestive                                          and autoimmune conditions.  I can help you reach your goals                                            of living a life of vibrant health!  Your journey starts here...                                                      www.kimdiazwellness.com

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Spring Detox and It's Benefits!

Spring Detox and its Benefits!

with Health Coach Kim Diaz

Time for spring cleaning, but while you clean your house, you should clean your body with a spring detox and cleanse! Spring is the time for growth and renewal and your body is energizing itself for the busy months to come. It is the perfect time to get rid of the toxins in your body and gain some rejuvenation after those long winter months.

There is no hiding that we pack on a few pounds physically and emotionally from the heaviness of winter. If we don’t change our habits and cleanse our bodies, we leave ourselves open to colds and flu, which is one way the body works to cleanse itself.  People generally become more stagnant in the winter and suffer from general aches and pains which can also be helped with a good spring cleanse.

Many cultures have historically fasted or cleansed during the spring months, and all in radically different fashions. There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to a spring cleanse, but it is something everyone can benefit from. You need to choose one that is the best fit for you and your health.  Your body may tell you what kind of cleanse it needs and for how long!

Spring is the time nature produces many fruits and vegetables that are perfect for a natural detox.  This includes berries, sprouts, greens, and bitter roots that also help improve your immunity and fight off toxins and diseases. Your body should crave different foods to prepare for and get in sync with the new season. We need to listen to what our bodies need and what is offered in nature to reach optimal health and wellness.

If this is your first detox or cleanse, you will need support from a health coach like myself. I can walk you through a whole foods based detox program. Not only is it important to plan your detox or cleanse, but planning your post-cleanse is just as important.  You want to be sure to continue a healthier lifestyle by eating clean, hydrating, and limiting sugar, caffeine and alcohol intake.

There are so many benefits to cleansing your body. A Spring detox will help get rid of the toxic waste that has built up in your organs and cells which keep them from doing their job properly.  As the snow melts, a detox can help you shed some added weight as well! Other benefits of a cleanse include healthier skin, improved digestive system, MORE ENERGY, improved immune system, clearer thinking, improved movement and flexibility, and the general feeling of renew and rejuvenation filled with motivation as you feel lighter.

Some other ways to enhance your Spring cleanse is by taking some probiotics, antioxidants, massage therapy, saunas, aromatherapy baths, and exercise (sweat it out!). Foods that you should focus on with a Spring cleanse include lemons, spinach, radishes, pineapples, artichokes, nettles, green tea, green peas, coriander, celery, sesame seeds, turmeric, cabbage, dandelion roots, citrus fruits, berries, asparagus, and garlic. It is best if they are all in their organic raw natural form.

During your cleanse, be sure to:

  • Hydrate: As you become more active you will need to drink more water
  • Practice clean eating
  • No caffeine, sugar, or alcohol.
  • Exercise
  • Meditate
  • Try to eliminate animal protein, eggs, wheat, gluten, corn and soy for the duration of your cleanse. These products have allergens, and you want to be as clean as possible.

Click here to learn more about my whole foods based Spring Detox and Cleanse program!

Want to receive healthy recipes, nutrition information, and inspiration delivered straight to your inbox?  Sign up for my newsletter!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

FREE 3 Days to Kick the Sugar Habit E-Guide!

FREE 3 Days to Kick the Sugar Habit E-Guide!

By Health Coach Kim Diaz

It's a New Year!  Are you ready to Kick your Sugar Habit!?  Here is an awesome FREE start!
Lots of tips, recipes and support from a "recovered sugar addict"!  
You can do this.  I will support you!

Do you want to say good-bye to CRAVINGS?
Get through the afternoon without the need for caffeine or sugar?
Get back into your skinny jeans?
Kicking sugar can be your first step in an amazing journey to VIBRANT health!
Are YOU ready?

SIGN-Up for my FREE 3 Days to Kick the Sugar Habit E-Guide!

* indicates required

For more information on how Health Coaching can help you kick sugar, find foods that work for your unique body and get off the diet roller-coaster, CHECK OUT my WEBSITE: WWW.KIMDIAZWELLNESS.COM

For more recipes, inspiration and nutrition information, CHECK OUT MY BUSINESS PAGE ON FACEBOOK

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Where to Spend and Save on ORGANIC

Where to Spend & Save on Organic

by Health Coach Kim Diaz

Have you ever heard of the Dirty Dozen? It’s the 12 kinds of produce that you absolutely MUST buy organic because they are most heavily sprayed with pesticides.
Pesticides contribute to toxicity in the body, which means that we are more likely to suffer from allergies, a weakened immune system, and digestive problems, among other things.
Many fruits and vegetables that have thin skins or have skins that you eat are toxic when bought conventional. As a general rule of thumb, you want to make sure that anything you buy that has a thin skin is organic, as this will limit the amount of environmental toxins entering your body that wreak havoc on your health.
While it is always best to buy organic whenever possible, this doesn’t work for every budget. The Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen were created for this exact reason:  to help you know the top 12 foods that you MUST buy organic and the top 15 that can be bought conventional.

  • Peaches
  • Apples
  • Sweet Bell Peppers
  • Celery
  • Nectarines
  • Strawberries
  • Cherries
  • Pears
  • Grapes (Imported)
  • Spinach
  • Lettuce
  • Potatoes

  • Avocados
  • Sweet corn
  • Pineapples
  • Cabbage
  • Sweet peas (frozen)
  • Onions
  • Asparagus
  • Mangoes
  • Papayas
  • Kiwi
  • Eggplant
  • Grapefruit
  • Cantaloupe (domestic)
  • Cauliflower
  • Sweet potatoes

Want to learn more about eating healthy on a budget, eating for your unique body, how to cleanse or detox with whole foods?  Check me out on FACEBOOK

Join me for a Whole Foods Cleanse or for one on one Health Coaching WWW.KIMDIAZWELLNESS.COMWWW.KIMDIAZWELLNESS.COM